Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Politically Incorrect Landsberger Boys

I know Miss America is supposedly passe and politically incorrect, but I absolutely LOVE it!!! We watch it every year and though I rarely pick a winner, I think Rob has either chosen the winner or the first runner up for, at the very least, the last ten years. Believe it or not, he chose Miss Georgia (first runner up) from his cell phone in WalMart last night (without even seeing her). It's become sort of a family thing as well. Last night when the show came on, Bradley insisted we call Trey because he watched it with us last year.

The talent competition was the biggest hit this year. It turns out Bradley is a huge fan of hula and tap dancing, but not operatic singing. Stephen, however, said of Miss Georgia, "I haven't heard anyone sing like that in years" (yes, all seven of them) and was truly amazed by Miss Tennessee's opera number. He was also delighted to see, "Clinton, from 'What Not To Wear'"!!! (Don't ask me how he knows Clinton ... I don't think I want to know).

Bradley did not like Miss New York's hairstyle at all, but liked her dress because it had a "ninja death star" applique. Stephen wasn't really into the gowns but seemed to greatly appreciate the swimsuit competition ... greatly! Isn't it terrific, I'm living with the Siskel & Ebert of the Pageant scene ... good Lord!!! ... but I swear, they were hilarious!!! It was a very fun night.

So, I just wanted to say to all you Miss America Haters ... you don't know nothing til you've watched it with my boys!!! They are available most weekends and holidays. Please check back for market value and current rental rates.

... And the next Mario Lopez is ....
hahahahah :)
All pictures from

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