Friday, February 6, 2009

We Love You Bobo!!! Happy Birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daddy!!! I love you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Melvin I just wanted you to know that we wasted a good Happy Birthday song on a complete stanger because we dialed the wrong number. The guy was like HELLO! WHO IS THIS? I just hung up quickly and could never really get my sweet sweet voice going again. Love Ya Mean IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the last comment was from Belinda!!! ;0

Anonymous said...

Of course it was Belinda. I couldn't get my name added so I guess my new name is Anonymous!!! Just wanted to let you know that we did have Melvin a birthday party planned at Lazy Dog Saloon, however he decided to get sick. We did think for a second to just go on and celebrate and Sharon could bring him a doggy bag home.

Scott said...

Happy B day Melly Melly!!
I am trying to forward you my psychologist bill. I am still having issues from the well hanging incident 30 years ago.

Take care and come see us!!
Scotty D
Young gun # 1

Scott said...

Your favorite!! The other 3 don't matter to you anymore

Scotty D

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bobo!!! Love you sooo much!! Loved the video super funny!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, now I know where Brian gets his sexy legs!
Happy Birthday Pops! We love you lots and lots!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Melly Melly from the best of the guns!

Have a great one!


Anonymous said...

Hey pops,
I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Also I wanted to know if you still have that suit or the cutoff shorts. I am glad you cut off the pork chops.

Trey said...

Happy Birthday Melvin! I have so many comments and questions, but I guess all of them can be explained away as nothing more than the passing flights of fashion fancy. All except the aforementioned shorts and the white shoes...

Have a great one!